Friday, 29 July 2016

Road Safety

Ronald MacDonald entertained us- he couldn't see the children.

"Oh, there you are!" He exclaimed,in his game of hide n seek

Stop, Look and Listen before you cross the street. Use your eyes and ears, before you use your feet!

Look for sneaky cars coming in and out of driveways
Walk on the footpaths, close to the houses

Pedestrian crossings help us cross the road safely

Wednesday, 20 July 2016


Our Inquiry Topic was Toys. This is a display of some of Room 19's toys.

Designing, Planning, Assessment and Presentation

Before making our Robots we made a plan of what the Robot could look like and listed the materials needed. After making our Robots, we photographed them and assessed what we liked about our Robot and what we would change next time.
We wrote imaginary stories about our Robots and published them to share.
We presented our work to Mrs Driver and other classes.

Beware! Beware! The Robots Are Here!